Decongest Massage & Bath Oil

A decongesting and restorative blend to help ease discomfort of the common cold. Use the Decongest massage and bath oil when you feel a cold coming on. Relax in a restorative and healing bath. You can also massage areas of congestion such as your chest and other areas that may be causing discomfort.  Use after bath or shower while skin is still moist to moisturize and scent the skin. Bath Oil - Fill tub and pour in 1-2 capfuls. Swirl water with hands to distribute oil evenly.

Purity: 100% Natural, 100% Vegan

Scent Description: Citrus, herbal, mint

Packaging: 4 oz and 2 oz in cobalt blue non-breakable bottles

Manufactured: NYC, NY

Ingredients: Essential oils (from plants) of lemon, orange, eucalyptus and peppermint in a base of 100% pesticide free golden jojoba

Warnings & Precautions: Do not swallow. Keep out of reach of children. Keep away from eyes. Do not use if pregnant, except under the guidance of an aromatherapist.

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